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For the use of systems on this site which require sign in, which include but are not limited to commenting, uploading, voting, and messaging, you agree to terms of this site's service.


By using these services you agree that you are terminating your right to bring civil cases against other users of this site for any purpose relating to their use of this system, or this site's owners for the same reason, or to be a party to any case for the same reason. This includes but is not limited to harassment, defamation, NDA(non-disclosure agreement), slander, and copyright or trademark infringement. Exceptions to the agreement of these terms under the indemnification header are given to site staff, owners, operators, and administrators, and users who's only use of the sign-in system is to advertize.


You agree to not upload copyright infringing material. You also agree to not upload material which could jeopardize the site's application for safe harbor status or which could jeopardize an existing safe harbor status. You agree to not upload material which could rightfully trigger a DMCA request. You also agree to furnish the site with any information which would provide an indication that a DMCA request assigned to your account was errant, if any can be had, except in conditions where such information could be self-incriminating.


You agree to not use communications on any site or system in a way which is intended to incite harm to this site's operation. This includes but is not limited to damage to technical functions, content ranking quality, search quality, and suggestion quality. You agree to not make use of VPNs, bots, proxies, and alternate accounts in a way intended to cause harm to the site's operation as previously defined.


The duration for this agreement is for 11 months. You agree that by making use of our sign-in system you renew your current agreement. We can update this terms of service at any time. You agree that by using any page while signed in is an agreement to terms of service updates.

Content policy

Sexual Content

Any media contanting a sexual act will likely have reduced visibility.


What isn't allowed

Depictions of extreme violence. If someone dies or recieves a permenent injury then it qualifies as removable. This is not a gore site.

Additional notes

Gvid is dedicated to freedom of speech as in speech. If you have something to say that speech will be protected so long as Gvid does not face serious legal consequences for protecting your ability to speak on our site. Every effort will be made to protect your ability to engage in any speech you like.